I D E N T I T Y« the whole is more than the sum of its parts» AristotleEveryone is a specialist in its own field but doesn’t know much about the field of its neigh-boor. Architects know architecture, sculptors know sculpture, informaticians the informatic, industrials the industries… The Rosaticollective aims to break the boudaries between fields of activity in order to increase innovation and reveal talents. Based in Arras, France, the collective gathers companies and associations in France, China and in the United Kingdom.«One plus one equal eleven»Jean-Claude VanDammeWe are stronger together than alone but we don’t want to disappear into the crowd. That’s why the collective allows each member to benefit from the weight of the group while keeping its own identity and independance. The collective is based on the principle of free association around common passions and interests. CONTACTCollectif RosatiT: +33 6 83 34 12 50E: collectifrosati@outlook.fr
I D E N T I T Y« the whole is more than the sum of its parts» AristotleEveryone is a specialist in its own field but doesn’t know much about the field of its neigh-boor. Architects know architecture, sculptors know sculpture, informaticians the informatic, industrials the industries… The Rosaticollective aims to break the boudaries between fields of activity in order to increase innovation and reveal talents. Based in Arras, France, the collective gathers companies and associations in France, China and in the United Kingdom.«One plus one equal eleven»Jean-Claude VanDammeWe are stronger together than alone but we don’t want to disappear into the crowd. That’s why the collective allows each member to benefit from the weight of the group while keeping its own identity and independance. The collective is based on the principle of free association around common passions and interests. CONTACTCollectif RosatiT: +33 6 83 34 12 50E: collectifrosati@outlook.fr